Your head knows. God will see that your heart follows.
#1 Sher Sutherland on 2009-06-18 22:55
How tears pop to my eyes every time I read your post! Thank you for it though. Today was a beautiful reminder of the One who is perfect, holy and unfailing in His love for everyone!
#2 Deb on 2009-06-19 11:28
You have me in tears again, Ali. Thanks for the reminder that The Author has it figured out.
#3 Sophie (Homepage) on 2009-06-23 01:00
I loved your last paragraph. You are right, God is the Author and He writes the story. We have to trust and rest in that. Not always easy. I am crying for this mama. I know her pain.
#4 Lori Schneider (Homepage) on 2009-06-25 02:03
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