Whenever I read your posts about babies....I usually go and search out one of my own babies to hold, and say a prayer of thankfulness that God has willed that I should have them on loan for another day.

A soft cheek, a sweet smell and some squirm is cheap but priceless therapy indeed.

I am so glad that you have the strength to continue.
#1 ginger on 2009-08-26 17:37
Healing from that kind of pain comes in small steps. I can't imagine doing the work you do and facing that every day. I will pray for you. God bless.
#2 Tricia (Homepage) on 2009-08-26 18:29
I really wish we had debriefing sessions in our NICU when babies die. We don't, and we need them ... it tears me apart when a baby that I've taken care of goes back to Jesus. I don't know why we don't do that...
The pass-the-baby for healing your heart routine sounds like an excellent idea to me, too :-)
#3 April on 2009-08-26 18:54
Ah, Baby Snuggle Therapy...great way to finish up.
#4 Amy Johnson on 2009-08-26 22:18
I love that you debrief! Tis a good way to keep the heart soft and able to give that unconditional love over and over as He asks you to do. Job well done! God Bless~
#5 Randi Fay (Homepage) on 2009-08-27 12:03
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